Do you love your writing enough to do nothing?: Breakthrough tip for the week of 9/16/2014

A student asks, “What is the point of doing nothing?”

We reflect in our writing the gold and dross of how we move through our lives. In doing nothing, you may find the stories you have yet to write; the poems that live only in your thoughts, the true work you came here to do.

“Why is so hard to do nothing? It should be easy.”

There is only one way to find the answer to your question: Do nothing for at least as long as it takes you to feel uncomfortable, sit with the discomfort till you think you can’t stand it – and sit twenty minutes longer.

Doing nothing is the most powerful alchemy for most contemporary Americans.

Byron Katie, a lunatic and tender teacher writes: “The miracle of love comes to you in the presence of the uninterrupted moment.”

Writing at its deepest heart is kin to doing nothing. It cannot be bought or sold. It cannot be cheated. It cannot be faked. It lives in the uninterrupted moment.



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