The Source: Breakthrough Tip for the week of April 11, 2016

Where do our stories, poems, screenplays come from? My students often ask how to plot a story. I tell them that the story will give them the plot. They just need to start writing. The world, within and outside, is made from stories and it will provide when a writer is open. I write of the Source, the real world, the three-dimensional or extra-dimensional, six senses-filled world. The Internet is an imitation of the Source.

We need to see the interplay of colors and forms in a sunset. We need to eavesdrop and hear two women talking at a near-by cafe table. We need to walk by a lilac bush and see the air turn purple. We need to pull over to the side of the road, park, take a peach from our backpack and bite into the fruit. One bite. One cascade of sensation. We need to feel the touch of  friend’s arms wrapped around us, breathe in their scent, look up into familiar eyes. We need to feel how our breathing slows down, our heart feels at ease.

We need to shut off the technical world, close our eyes and drift into the extra-dimensional richness of our minds. There will be landscapes never seen on earth, creatures made of minerals never hidden on earth, three sunsets behind a range of green mountains. We will be given stories we could never have forced into shape.

Take thirty minutes to free-write. Keep your pen moving over the page, your fingers on the computer keyboards. Here is your opening sentence: Source, I’m ready to let you in…   Please send me what you find. ms


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