Letting you know that I am not entirely well

I have been having trouble breathing. As you can see from this picture of Boo and me relaxing on the porch, I appear to be fine. I am eating and drinking water normally, goezing out whenever I want – but, about two weeks ago, our human noticed that I was breathing really hard. We went to see the good doctor. She took an x-ray because she thought I had an enlarged thyroid, which was pressing on my trachea, but all the test work came back normal. The doctor told our human that it was most likely a mass of some kind, maybe malignant, maybe benign. I guess it doesn’t really matter if it keeps growing.

Our human knows how much I hate going to the v–t’s. She told the doctor that she didn’t want to do a biopsy or surgery – I would have to go to Phoenix! In the vetbox! In the CAR! I knew then just how much she loves me. We have been together almost seventeen years. The doctor gave us some pills to reduce inflammation and we came home.

I wish I could tell our human how I feel. I know that is the worst part for her. She had bad asthma when she was a human kitten and so she can’t stand thinking I am uncomfortable and scared because I can’t breathe, and that it might be getting worse.

I don’t like having trouble breathing. It’s not like when you hurt and can take a pain pill. But, I trust our human to do the right thing. Some of you may remember that three years ago, I had mouth cancer – which went away! I don’t think that is going to happen with this mass, but I am so thankful that three years ago, our human didn’t panic and have me given the good medicine. We have had three more wonderful years (except for the part where there is no goezing out after dark.)  This time might be different. Our human and I have learned that love has to take many forms.

Today’s mewsing: Not knowing is one of the hardest things. Ruti, the Ready to goez out again.


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