Our Newest Young Recruit Kicks You Know What

The FLF* received a communique a few days ago with ground-breaking news. A certain precociousTaztp1 young feline has identified and destroyed one of the most insidious common enemies of felines and the revolution. Our human informants – who must be un-named because they are such powerful comrades – sent these surveillance photos.

It is not common knowledge, except in the inner circles of Freedom Fighters, but the oppressors often plant bugs (listening devices) in the common bathroom item, toilet paper. Our heroine has sussed out that heinous act of overlord malfeasance and taken action.

Follow the progression of her courageous actions. Note the calm and determined lookTaztp3 on her face. Her humans report that she was singing “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” as she did her work. They plan to get her a Cyndi Lauper Rules t-shirt.

She Who Must Not Be Named continued with her work until she was satisfied that not only had the sinister device been destroyed, but she had made her point – “Anything for the Revolution.” As you will see in the last photo, her efforts were thorough and effective. She is – once she understand that the kitty carrier is the Sherman Tank of the FLF take-over – will be available to conduct on-site destruction of toilet paper in your home. Taztp2

Today’s Mewsing: Three pictures are worth three thousand words. Ruti, the Really Really Proud

FLF* Feline Liberation Front



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