We have been remiss

Ever vigilant

Our human just checked my last post and discovered that it was a month ago. I have been so busy recruiting for the FLF* that I haven’t had time to write. NOTE: human here. In fact, Ruti has been obsessed with the Smarty Pants I-phone as have I. As a consequence of the phone’s counter-revolutionary qualities – The Revolution Cannot be I-Phoned) – it is going back to T-Mobile. I expect that Ruti’s  educational and rousing columns have resumed with this one.

I’m not sure how I feel about my human’s tendency toward full disclosure. Be that as it may, I admit to feeling relieved. I had become overfond of Bitmoji. Onward.

I am a candidate for a local contest to fine a spokescat  for Second Chance, our local no-kill shelter and Late for the Train, our local coffee company. Here is the information. You will see that you can’t vote until July 1, but our human encouraged me to begin campaigning now. Please spread the word. The infiltrator drone Facebook is, despite it’s subversive nature, a good place to post this link. Our human and I are reluctant to use it, but if you want to, that is okay. https://www.gogophotocontest.com/secondchancerescueroastcontest/entries/44753

Do let us know that you have voted. It is a blow not just for the revolution, but for Second Chance.

Today’s mewsing: When in despair, take action. Ruti, the Ready to be a Spokescat


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