FLF* grows in leaps and squirts

IMG_0248Greetings, loyal comrades and new recruits. I am happy to report that we have had communications from three new members. Here, Darling and Stinky (code names) dine on feline rations. I cannot reveal where they are, but it suffices to say that they are our first chemical warfare experts. They are young, but dedicated – especially when it comes to the rations. There was a close call with a human who assured them that they are safe working in this section. We look forward to our future collaborations.

Ralph, seen below, is training in an undisclosed location in Breaking and Entering. We expect great things of him – or her. As we have already seen, the Squirrel Semi-Airborne units here in another undisclosed location have been instrumental in carrying messages throughout our sector. I invite you to send photographs and stories concerning comrades you have encountered in your area. Each brave member gives encouragement to the hard-working comrades.IMG_0254

I hope you will check out the Second Chance no-kill shelter and Late for the Train Rescue Roast competition and vote for me – a.k.a. Ruti, the Rad. Each vote is a vote for feline (and other species) justice and for independent coffee shops. Today’s Mewsing: Paws high. “No way, Jose, you cannot oppress us anymore. We are united.” Vote, thank you.





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