Twisted: Breakthrough tip for the week of 5/28/2018

Find your way through. There is no map. The destination is unknown. All you can do is study what is directly in front of you. All you can do is make one small move. Then, study the next revealed terrain. Move. Study. Move.

Weeks, months, years, a decade in the future, you know the whole story – perhaps. Time has shifted. You have grown older. You have learned some unwanted and crucial lessons. Study. Wait. Feel. Move.

The story reveals Itself.

—for the Quadumvirate and me, and any of you who can use this beginning…


And, from Lynnette Sheppard:


shhh, be very, very quiet, I’m listening. I can’t bear to hear about political candidates or celebrities or the latest Netflix TV series that can be binge watched. I won’t be distracted by chatter or talk for talk’s sake.

It’s taking all of my attention to listen for the sound of my own heartbeat, for the spaces between the notes of my life’s soundtrack.

I pause to hear ocean waves crashing on the shore and Francolin birds’ broken-record squawks as the wind rustles the leaves overhead. I strain to hear a butterfly’s wings as it flutters by my deck chair. Most of all, I reach for the silence that can tell me its stories, my stories, all the music I ever needed to hear.



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