Thank you – You know who You are: Breakthrough for the week of1/28/2019

I won’t name you – you know who you are, the writers who sent money to keep Breakthrough Writing alive. I feel blessed to know you, and to work with you. You have given BTW to any future writer who might stumble across and need us. Thank you.
And, thanks to those of you who offered advice. I like the web person with whom I work. I don’t want to make changes, and, even dipping my toe in tech world hurts my brain especially my fragile writing brain.
So, Breakthrough Writing lives. And, here is your prompt:  I won’t name you…
And here is a gorgeous poem from Lynette Sheppard:
For once, I did not photograph the eclipse, just watched it. This poem came from that magical watching.  Lynette
End of the Eclipse
Tonight the stars
outshone the moon
for a lingering hour
Hina* rose full and ripe
draped in a russet cloak
that hid her brilliance
She hung suspended, waiting
zircon chips glinted in the darkness.
the hunter stood watch
Goddess Hina drifted higher
A bronzed orb in a blue black heaven.
until her glow would not be denied
Her covering slipped
slowly off a shoulder
revealing her radiance
The stars retreated
with a few faint glimmers
the hunter the last to blink out
Then she was whole
bathing the land with light
unafraid to shine
*note: Hina is the Goddess of the Moon in Hawai`ian lore. She birthed the island of Moloka`i and is the mother Goddess.


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