“Not Dead Yet”*: Breakthrough for the week of 12/16/2019

* Where are Monty Python when we so desperately need them?  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBxMPqxJGqI

No epiphanies. No big awareness. I mostly feel gratitude – and slightly baffled that I was so calm during the heart attack and the hospital. I’m even more baffled that I am able to eat food that is good for me – and take medications whose potential side effects scare me.

I feel sorrow not for myself, but for the forest along the road home, a forest that the micro-managing local Forest Service cut to a shadow of its original self. A shadow. A no-thing.

Each day, I feel better. I feel spared. And, when the docs and nurse practitioners tell me I can again walk in the forest, I will gather evidence and strength to shame those who have killed so many trees.

If you could wreak vengeance, would you? Against whom? And why?



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