Scare Yourself: Breakthrough Tip for the week of December 15

What have you got to lose? 2014 is racing to its end. Maybe you think back to promises you made your writing as the year began. Maybe you kept them. Maybe you didn’t. Over thirty years of writing professionally (whatever that means these days!), I’ve learned that I’m terrific at breaking promises – to others, to myself and to my writing.

What I’m not terrific at is taking an action that scares me. I’m even worse at living with the grayness of not taking those actions – so I take them. I went off Facebook six days ago. Six looooooooong days. In that time, I’ve written a new piece for Matador Network, Ash Springs, worked on a new short story, Tiger, and played hundreds of games of Scrabble.

I don’t know what would scare you, but I’d bet that cutting back on the internet might be a good place to start. Love to hear from you how this experiment works out: Take one week away from whatever you do compulsively. Take fifteen minutes to write about your response. Send it to me. (And be sure you’ve got Scrabble on your computer.)


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