Bah Humbug, Up Against the Wall, Ghost of Xmas Present

Ho Ho Ho – that isn’t the mythical Santa Claws. That’s the sound of the rich guys laughing all the way to the bank. You already know that you humans vote for your own oppression with the dollars you spend – and over the so-called holidays, you really tighten the economic chains around your life. In this picture, I am on the alert for how you are conned: being brainwashed into thinking that if you give someone something expensive, it shows love; commercials that say food is love (well, it kind of is, if it is Blissful Catnip kitty treat); being trained to believe in praising an invisible thing in the sky that is supposedly merciful (ask the animals abandoned to shelters how that mercy feels). I wonder why the human g-d is so insecure that he needs to be worshipped all the time. Bast asks only that we celebrate our lives and the gift of the miraculous world in which we live.

My human and I like the holy days that are marked by non-human cycles: the whirling of the planets, the waxing and waning of the moon; the times when the earth’s shadow passes over the face of the sun. You don’t need to buy, cook, or fuss about anything to celebrate them. All you need to do is go outdoors.

Since today is the first day of the next cycle of the seasons. we wish you lots of kibble and naps and pets. Your friends, Ruti, Chi Chi, Boo and Benez who is out riding his pony

scanning the horizon



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