Good News, loyal comrades!

The human was avoiding working on her screenplay by wambling around the interwebz. She went to one of her favorite places, LOL Cats and there was a most revolutionary picture. It proves that the message of the FLF* is going viral. The photo is a little blurry due to the limits of the comrades’ surveillance cameras, but those are pigeons behind the black comrades. Yes! Please spread the word about this. We here in Northern Arizona rely on the ravens as our air force, but it is heartening to know that other avian species have joined ranks with us. Should LOL Cats be troubled by copyright infringement, our human will remind them that all feline art and writing is copy-lefted. Today’s mewsing: In solidarity, we have it all. We must not eat our comrades. Ruti, the Reliable

*FLF: Feline Liberation Fronti.chzbgr


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