Sound the Alarm! Documented Threat to Felines Discovered!!

Good morning, my courageous companions. The human is driving a rental car due to the unfortunate demise of the Vibe. As she drove away from the rental business, she looked at the dashboard and was so shaken she had to pull over and collect herself. Since she knows the power of documentation in the revolution,  she took a photo. See Evidence Exhibit 1 below.

What can this possible mean? We in the FLF* believe in the power of inquiry. Since the human has opposable thumbs, she took on the task of researching. Here is what she found:cat folder

it is for MP3 files that you may use.
may it be a usb stick or ipod or any other MP3 file if you have certain artists or songs in one folder then you can find them with the cat folder button    

A likely story. And just what is an MP3? A usb stick? An ipod? Frankly, this all has the ring of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Should you find any folded cats, please contact us at this website immediately. They may look like Evidence Exhibit 2. We will respond.    folded cat

Today’s Mewsing: The powers of greed and oppression are everywhere. Keep your eyes open and remember: Loose Lippies Bust Hippies.  Every vigilant, Ruti, the Really Alarmed           *FLF: Feline Liberation Front.



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