Something mysterious is going on here at the FLF compound

Good afternoon, my friends. Yesterday, our human snuck in through the back door carrying one of the terrible metal boxes that sometimes go in the even more horrible roaring, jouncing metal box on wheels. She went into the room that Cowboy Benez and I have conferences in. Since she carried the 20150322_145453 box into the room,  we are not allowed in. When she goes in, I can hear her talking in a soft gentle voice. I decided to put on my infiltrator hat and figure out what is going on.

I sat near her on the desk and saw an email. It had the picture you see at the right – well, actually it had that picture tilted upright. (Our human isn’t sure what’s going on with that.) I HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT CAT BEFORE. I hope that by next week, I’ll be able to unearth the truth. If, indeed, there is a cat in the conference room, I shall contact him as soon as he is freed from the room. I see that he has intelligent eyes and a noble manner. Stay tuned, dear comrades, as this mystery unfolds.

Today’s mewsing: When the Great Collective gives you a mystery, put on your infiltrator hat and look cute.


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