It is easy to talk about community – living it is a little difficult

My dear companions. I have noticed that humans like to blather on about community, but do very little to create them. We here at the FLF* now face a challenge to our illusions about community. As you can see, our muscle, Cowboy Benez has passed out from exhaustion. He has given himself the task of surveillance on a cat named “Sylvester”, who is still living in the conference room. Cowboy Benez even refused to ride his pony outside yesterday for fear that this “Sylvester” might sneak out and eat all the kibble.

I met “Sylvester” today. He might be a “fat cat”. He does wear a tuxedo and when I tried to speak to him about joining with the efforts of FLF, he hissed at me and ran back into the conference room. Nonetheless, I am encouraging everyone here in the FLF compound to give this time. It is clear to me that this new room-mate of ours is highly intelligent and strongly principled. So I am counseling patience and comradely compassion (Is that redundant?) for a fellow feline.

I would appreciate hearing from you if you have thoughts about community – or patience.

Today’s mewsing: If our reach exceeds our grasp, our paws will remain empty. Ruti, the Resourceful




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