The revolutionary fervor just doesn’t quit

(Even though the human took a while to write my story!) Good mid-week, my fervent friends. I’m happy to report that our new comrade, Sylvester, has taken quite nicely to our re-education program. He works hard at his lessons. As you might guess, healing from the terrible experience  of being abandoned and left alone outside by the humans who didn’t deserve him, THEN being fostered by a human who brought in a nasty dog, takes a while. Sylvester still worries that he might have to go back to the metal box. He follows our human around and looks up at her earnestly. Our human reassures him that he is in his forever home. And, Cowboy Benez has turned out to be a master teacher of the art of relaxing. Fortunately, the sun comes in through the southern window of our compound most of the day and Syl has found his spot – as you will see below.

Today’s mewsing: Patience is all. As Calamity Jane says in the t.v. series, Deadwood: “Every day takes figuring out all over again how to f-ing live.”

Master Benez









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