Direct Action Gets the Goods

Greetings, my brothers and sisters.  I am happy to report that the old Wobbly slogan, “Direct Action Gets the Goods” has worked for me with the busy human. Yesterday, I took the liberty of repeatedly gently scratching at her pant leg as shedirect_action_gets_the_goods_sticker-r7dbbf068568c4e20857a40eea6acb24b_v9waf_8byvr_512 worked on the writing machine. She ignored me for a while. I spoke to her gently. “ALRIGHT,” she said perhaps a little irritably and transcribed my most recent column. I thanked her. That is how we freedom fighters support each other. We ask. We receive. We express thanks.

Outside of our ranks, it is likely to be a different story – especially these days when it seems as though the oppressors have coated themselves with invisibility powder and grease. We can’t quite see who they are and when we do identify an oppressor, it is impossible to get a grip on him or her. Nonetheless, we here at the FLF* persist. Let me add that I’ve never understood why we should “thank” an oppressor – be it a developer, a huge necrotic corporation or a public official who should be doing his/her job. All we ever ask for is what’s right. They should thank us.

Today’s mewsing: When an oppressor (or crazy busy human) ignores your reasonable demands, scratch them.

FLF* Feline Liberation Front


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