For Heather, 2/26/2016: What Falls Into the Absences

        The only sure antidote to oblivion is the creation. So I loop my sentences around the trunks of maples, hook them into the parched soil, anchor them to rock, to moon and stars, wrap them tenderly around the ankles of those I love. From down in the pit, I give a tug, to make sure my rope of words is hooked onto the world, and then up I climb.

— Scott Russell Sanders, Staying Put

What do we do when the words run out? How do we honor their absence – and move on? Where do we find the missing story?

I buy my own books from a used bookstore here in Flagstaff to give away. Most of the time there is no clue to who has owned the book. A few years ago, I found a copy of Delicate, a short story collection I’d written in the Nineties.  A Vanity Fair subscription card had been used as a bookmark. I flipped the card over and found this:

                  The Invisible guitar

                  Fullerton train station

                           guy playing guitar

                           with right hand

                           withered left hand

                           from very visible was

                                    playing to a

                                    chair covered seat

                                    and a bench

                                             covered blanket

                           Invisible audiences

                           listening to a distant



     I turned to the front of the book and found this dedication:


                  I “met” this

                  woman thru NPR radio

        She writes about real

                 women on real journeys.

             Enjoy   –   Janet – 2001

         I riffled the pages. A 3/5 file card fell out.  On it was written todolopuedo.ina.nel  Password  EBIZ   I googled todolopuedo.ina.nel   It does not exist.

I have yet to write the story about the unknown poet, the loving friends and the ghost website. It lies with a thousand other stories in my brain. I may find myself working on a different story and not being able to find the words to continue. It won’t matter because Rosie and Janet are with me, waiting for me to write them forward  – maybe into the end of their friendship, maybe into a new beginning, maybe into the heart of a ghost website.


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