“A word after a word after a word…”:Breakthrough Tip for the week of 11/7/2016

The poet and novelist Margaret Atwood once said, “A word after a word after a word is power.” A student taught one of our writing circles a trick she used when she was stuck. “I make myself write three more sentences,” she said. “It has always worked.”

How do you move toward power? Send us a chain of your words. Show us where it leads. Surprise yourself.

Here is Theresa Souers writing from this image:

Lang Bay Birds
Matt Boettrich

 Two people are finally free to be together. They meet on a beach and look up…

Swoosh. Ha Ha Ha, My, My, My. The gulls overhead called out as they swooped and swirled throughout the ancient waltz instinctively coursing through their veins. Catching currents of air they lifted to the clouds, dove effortlessly toward the sea and circled one another. Never a break in the rhythm.  Swoosh.

She quietly watched him as his eyes continued to follow the dance.  “He’d rather be up there with those birds than here by my side” she thought.  “If he were able, he would spread his own wings and join them.  Anything to be anywhere but here.  All we went through to be here and for all purposes, he is gone.  The plans made months ago.  The juggling of our schedules.  Juggling the kids schedules.  We’re finally here and now, nothing.  When did we last connect?  What happened to us?  I stand here next to him but why bother.  I might as well be at home reading a book.”  Feeling he might at any moment turn his gaze back in her direction, she forced a smile while inwardly she struggled to hold back the tears.

He couldn’t get over the surrounding stillness.  The clouds floating overhead.  The only sound that of the soaring gulls and the lapping surf.  The ceaseless sounds of the city far behind.  No honking horns.  No sirens. No cross-walks robotically chanting “wait, wait.”  No flashing neon.  Just softness.  Just beauty.  Just the two of us.  “She’s perfect,” he reminded himself.  “She gets it as well.  There’s never been a need to chatter.  No need for mindless conversations.  No need for displays of affection. Just being here together.  It’s always been that way for us.  Easy.  From the corner of his eye, he saw her smiling and knew he was lucky to have her in his life all these years.  Inwardly he smiled.  He felt truly blessed.


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