Sacred Attention: Breakthrough for the week of 7/8/2019

                The mirror isn’t enchanted; the artifacts don’t come with power beyond what they’re given. But some things really ought to be given power. Make a thing sacred. Do this by giving it sacred attention.

        You make yourself be in this place for an hour – in silence.  You have been here before, but
never at this time, in this weather, in this company. At first, you are enchanted by the way so much has gone silver. You wonder why you haven’t noticed that weather is mineral.
The light shifts. You tell yourself that you have so much to do. You really should get back in the car, head home and finish the chores, the connections, the work you have left undone.
You turn the key in the ignition. The car won’t start. You are miles from your home. You look at your phone. There is no battery charge. If you let yourself remember the sacred, what comes next?


Here, again, is the piece for which I couldn’t find the writer. Thank you, Carole Milstead:

“Found Magic”—Interesting challenge. Magic is rarely found, it usually finds you. At least, it is my experience.

My most precious magical moment happened when living in New Mexico. I was driving back to Gallup from Las Cruces after visiting my son and family. I left I-25 at Socorro to take the shorter more scenic Route 60. Passing Magdalena and parts of the Magdalena Forest, I dropped down onto the Plains of San Augustin. This particular morning the Plains were covered as far as the eye could see with wild Sunflowers. A small herd of Pronghorn Antelope was crossing the road. And just ahead, I could see the Very Large Array telescopes coming into view. I was grateful I was the only one on the road because I had to stop and just soak it all in. It seemed that the ancient past smacked into the future. I was totally mesmerized. I felt I had entered a time warp. How else could I explain all the mystical, magical feelings surrounding me? I did not want to leave that moment in time. I am not sure how long I sat there, but I finally put the car in gear and started on towards Gallup. To this very day when that memory comes into my mind I still get the surreal feelings of floating in the sea of yellow flowers. I had been pulled into an amazing place. And it is still hard to leave it.


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