I Resume. My faithful thumbed assistant is back

Good afternoon, my noble companions. Our human drove to California to pick up her son Matt. He is here now. We have been having long conversations about the best strategies to pursue when organizing the squirrels more effectively. They tend to be a little scattered in their understanding of the more critical aspects of the Marxist dialectic. In addition, they have apparently been training with Cirque de Soleil. Matt and I hesitate to interrupt their performances, but the revolution isn’t made by skittering up and down trees. I present Monsieur Rouge, the leader of the troop.skwirl

Matt and I met with Monsier Rouge, but since he only speaks French, our conversation was a little frustrating. Finally, we sang  La Marseillaise and he joined in on the chittery parts: Allons ecureil de La patrie. Le jour de gloire est arrive. Chitter chitter. Contre nous de la tyrannie, chitter chitter, l’etendard snaglant est leve. Chitter chitter. Today’s mewsing: Any effort we expend to further change and justice is worth it – even a five pound bag of peanuts.


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