Goez Out: a simple plea from an straight-shooting cat

I ask you for support, my comrades. I feel that our human is exploiting her opposable thumb privilege. When we write now?I addressed her on the matter, she suggested I put my case before the gigantic world of the interwebz.  As you can see from this photo of me, I am a cat incapable of mischief. I wish only to do good for the FLF*, my species and all who are crushed under the jackboot of rampant capitalism.

I have more work to be done than I can accomplish during my long hours outside during the day. What about the night workers? What about those who labor – underpaid and unappreciated after the sun goes down? What about those hard-working creatures who only come out at night? How can I reach out to my brothers and sister if I AM NOT ALLOWED TO GO OUT AFTER DARK?  Forgive my emphasis, but I am weary of sitting next to our human every night, saying clearly, “Goez out. Goez out. Goez out.”

Our human thought my zeal was a product of my being hyperthyroid, but I have been taking the medicine for at least two weeks and I continue to plead for my rightful freedom.  She fails to see that my zeal was my commitment to the Cause. Yes, there was one time that I went out and didn’t come back till one o’clock in the morning, but there was a particularly fetching underpaid and unappreciated worker I needed to spend “quality” time with.

I put it to you. Is this fair? Is our human not engaging in counterrevolutionary behavior. She says she will read every response you send in.  Thank you, Ruti, the Rudely Treated.

Today’s mewsing: When injustice clouds your life, bring in the sunshine of solidarity.

*FLF – Feline Liberation Front


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